Our Work with Corporates

Our work with Corporates ranges from organizing a Zero Waste Public Event to organizing workshops on Waste Segregation awareness, Toxin-free living awareness. We have also helped commercial establishments in Chennai become sustainable by enabling their employees through awareness sessions and sustainable procurement.

It was an amazing Earth day 2022 with an arena of 40 enthusiastic employees from Geeky Ants Academy who came together for my session on DIY upcycling. It was lovely connecting with them all to be changemakers. Thank you and Gratitude Jasmine for the great coordination. It was fulfilling to see the response to small acts of change be implemented in their day-to-day life. A well-received session. Small droplets contribute to a mighty ocean. Every step of change counts. Our action in our own small ways definitely contributes toward combatting climate change in a better way. Happy to see companies celebrating Earth day and Environment day etc. contributing in their own ways to bring awareness to their employees for contributing to clean water, air, and soil. May their tribe grow.